Family attempts to prove in the court the ownership of its house in Cotia – SP. The property has been taken by the authorities and then transferred.

“Fala Brasil”, Rede Record´s television program, has commented the situation of a Family which fights to prove the ownership of a house in Cotia. However, the property has been confiscated by Justice and tranferred to Union because de former owner had been arrested by illegal narcotics trade.

In order to explain these events, our member, Dr. Vitor Antony Ferrari, gave an interview explaining that real estate will only be forwarded by registration at the Real-Estate Registry Office, because without it, the Family unfortunately will not have legal certainty.

Dr. Ferrari also warns: “the former owner previous history must be searched and the acquire must know if the document which will be signed is a particular contract or a public deed, which certainly transfers the property. 

Watch the entire reportage on Rede Record´s website.



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