Mazzucco & Mello Advogados stands out in the sports betting market by advising Betmotion on the Compliance program

Mazzucco & Mello Advogados stands out in the sports betting market by advising Betmotion on the Compliance program regarding the implementation of processes in accord-ance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Betmotion is one of the largest international sports betting platforms that have consolidated within the Brazilian market in recent years, with the legal authorization of the related segment on the national scenario.

The partner of mazzucco & mello advogados, Leonardo Neri Candido de Azevedo, represented Betmotion throughout the LGPD implementation program, in the realization of institutional training, as well as in the international dialogue to explain the specificities of the impact of the new LGPD in this very peculiar and promising market of sports entertainment.


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