By: Leonardo Neri
On Thursday, the 17th, one of the opposition wings, the 'Academia' ticket, contested the statements made by the president of the deliberative council of the Seraphim del Grande club. These statements, made incisively and strongly, attribute to the presidential opposition the responsibility for the leak of their personal data, including telephone number, CPF, PIX code, in addition to a private dialogue involving the accuser and the counselor, president of Crefisa and pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Institution, Leila Pereira, such acts are prohibited and protected by the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/18), being subject to digital sanctions, including cybercrimes and spreading chaos and Fake News, something that is seen as one of the greatest possibilities by the victims.
Through their advisors, Seraphim and Leila claim to have been victims of fallacies by the same people who fabricated the “Blackstar case” on the eve of the 2018 deliberative election. In the case in question, Rubnei Quicoli said he was interested in representing the club, and the proposal was brought to the attention of then-candidate Genaro Marino. Later, the same businessman was unable to prove the veracity of information about Blackstar, leading to his one-year suspension, in addition to internal warnings to former president Paulo Nobre, board members José Carlos Tomaselli and Ricardo Galassi, who had close relations with the dismissed businessman.
In a statement, the members accused by Seraphim defended themselves against the attacks; “The Academy regrets Mr. Seraphim’s stance, which is clearly not consistent with the position he holds. Perhaps cornered by the disclosure of his personal data and the seriousness of the alleged dialogue, Mr. Seraphim ended up unduly and unfoundedly attacking a legitimate political group within Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras, demonstrating, once again, his lack of appreciation for democracy.” Furthermore, the opposition made itself aware of any legal situation through the statement; “Mr. Seraphim has legal instruments at his disposal to investigate the origin of the aforementioned data leak and, furthermore, full conditions to prove that the aforementioned dialogue never took place and that he did not receive any deposit in his account, measures that would be more salutary than a gratuitous and unfounded attack on the “opposition.”
Regardless of the outcome of the case, this event shows that the issue of privacy, in addition to being a competitive advantage for private companies, is now the order of the day in other sectors, including sports and entertainment, the industry that deals most with personal data, given the vast consumer market that the product attracts.