Rossi Residencial, together with over 300 companies that are part of its economic group, filed a request for judicial recovery yesterday, September 19, before the 1st Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery Court of the District of the Capital of the State of São Paulo. The company, which is part of the Rossi Group, founded in 1953, has accumulated debts of almost R$600 million, counting only the creditors expressly declared by the Company, however it is known that the Group's debt as a whole may exceed R$1.2 billion.
With the surprise brought by Rossi to the market, our Office has been serving Creditors and Investors in consultation with the process and procedure adopted by Rossi, especially regarding the formation of the Group, which has a series of requirements that must be met to unite its liabilities and assets.
Our Firm has extensive experience with judicial recoveries and our partners are available to clarify doubts and to take the pertinent and appropriate legal measures to maximize the recovery of credits of any nature.