By André Jerusalem
We inform you that according to the fixed calendar defined by Circular CMN 3,624, of 02/06/2013, as amended, starting next Friday, 02/15/2019, access to fill out and submit the Annual Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad of 2019 (“CBE”), related to the base year of 2018, will be available on the website of the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB).
The declaration is mandatory for individuals and legal entities resident in Brazil who held assets abroad worth US$100,000.00 (one hundred thousand US dollars) or more on 12/31/2018.
The deadline for submitting the declaration is 6:00 pm on 04/05/2019 (Friday).
We recommend that the following documents be obtained to prepare the declaration:
- consolidated statements of accounts and financial investments held abroad on 12/31/2018;
- information on the market values of movable and immovable property held abroad on 12/31/2018;
- balance sheets and income statements of companies (including trusts, foundations and other vehicles held abroad) with a base date of 12/31/2018.
Failure to submit the CBE, or providing incorrect, inaccurate or false information may result in fines of up to R$$250,000.00.Our office is available to assist you in preparing and completing the CBE