
Accidents on the way to work are no longer considered to be work accidents

November 26, 2019

By Israel Cruz

On November 11, 2019, Provisional Measure 905 came into force, revoking item “d” of section IV of article 21 of Law 8213 of 1991, which treated accidents occurring in the workplace as occupational accidents. on the route from home to work or from work to home, regardless of the means of transport, including a vehicle owned by the insured.¹

As a result, when accidents occur with employees on the way to work, companies will no longer be required to issue a Work Accident Report, and the employee will no longer be entitled to a period of provisional stability due to the accident.

¹ Subparagraph “d” of section IV of article 21 of Law 8,213/91.

If you have any questions about the topics covered in this publication, please contact any of the lawyers listed below or your usual Mazzucco&Mello contact.

Israel Cruz

+55 11 3090-9195

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