Practice Areas

Carbon Credit

Brazil is on the verge of creating its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System, or SBCE, and thereby definitively inserting itself into the global scenario of combating climate change.

The legislation under discussion will create annual reduction targets for practically all Brazilian businesses through the so-called National Allocation Plan – (“PNA”), which will be improved year after year.

Although these obligations are still under final discussion in the National Congress, the truth is that many companies have already adopted measures to reduce their “carbon footprint”, carrying out an inventory of their activities and acquiring offsets in the so-called “voluntary carbon credit market”. Such practices have contributed to the preservation of native vegetation in a significant part of the national territory, in addition to enabling the implementation of regeneration projects in many other areas.

But it is certain that the arrival of federal legislation will bring a new boost to this market, generating the need for all companies to review their practices and methods and, eventually, market the sale and acquisition of credits to meet society's desires and PNA goals.

And very soon, expressions such as REDD+, CONAREDD+, SBCE, PNMC will become part of everyday business planning, such as ROI, EBTIDA and ESG.

Mazzucco & Mello has been operating in the carbon market since the days of the Kyoto Protocol, having assisted its clients in negotiating and approving projects within the so-called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs) and, more recently, in registering and approving projects for the voluntary trading of carbon credits.

Its team is responding to the legislator's proposals to provide prompt guidance to its clients, so that they can comply with the PNA guidelines as efficiently as possible and act safely in the SBDE, including reviewing their voluntary carbon credit trading contracts, when necessary.

(With the stimulus of globally observed economic, social and political changes, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles and standards – in Portuguese, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), come to the forefront of the priorities of investors and companies, bringing with this scenario, new opportunities and legal challenges.

Currently, for companies to ensure the trust of their investors and other stakeholders, it is necessary to create responsible ESG operations, which are no longer just a differentiator for the company but become an essential aspect of their respective businesses. Therefore, companies need to clearly demonstrate the implementation of practices that aim at social well-being and environmental protection, together with integrity in conducting business.

Our multidisciplinary team of lawyers works to guide clients from different sectors in safely and strategically following the growth of this new global trend. We have a multidisciplinary team with solid experience in legal aspects related to sustainable finance, impact investments, governance, risk and compliance, prepared to guide and prepare clients from all sectors and safely follow the growth of this global trend, acting broadly and in an integrated manner, enabling the improvement of our clients' businesses.

Corporate Governance
In order to ensure high levels of governance, a company must focus on the structure and effectiveness of its information regime, ethics and transparency, mechanisms to facilitate the voting rights of shareholders, especially minority shareholders, independence of boards and diversity on such boards and, alongside various other practices and policies, fiscal control, standards of conduct and implementation of audits capable of monitoring the actions implemented.

We have a highly specialized team that provides services related to the implementation and monitoring of corporate governance structures, serving both publicly and privately held companies, advising our clients on compliance with the various governance standards imposed by competent regulatory and self-regulatory bodies in various markets. We also provide advisory services to ensure the appropriate disclosure of information to the market; the implementation of internal policies and regulations; the management of conflicts of interest; and the analysis of transactions with related parties, the composition and form of remuneration of management bodies and the protection of shareholders' rights.





Advocacy, Carbon Credit, ESG, Infrastructure and Regulatory





Advocacy, Carbon Credit, ESG, Infrastructure and Regulatory
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