BC and CVM facilitate foreign investments in the country's financial and capital markets
The CVM and the BCB published Joint Resolution No. 13 on 12/03/2024, which revokes CMN Resolution 4373 and simplifies the rules for foreign investments in the financial and securities markets. The rule aims to attract more investors, reduce costs and improve the business environment in Brazil.
The changes include the simplification of procedures, expansion of assets to back DRs, facilitation of investments via specific accounts, extension of the document retention period and adoption of risk-based criteria. The new regulations, the result of public consultation, come into effect on January 1, 2025.
Mazzucco&Mello advises client on acquisition of financial institution
We advised a foreign investor on the acquisition of a bank specialized in foreign exchange transactions and a fintech Mazzucco&Mello advised a foreign client on the acquisition of a bank specialized in foreign exchange transactions (purchase and sale of currencies) and a fintech from the same group specialized in e-commerce solutions. The transaction involved the acquisition of all of the shares […]
Business and Corporate
JUCESP authorizes non-resident foreigner to manage company in Brazil
At the end of last year, JUCESP authorized the registration of non-resident foreigners to manage companies in Brazil. Although there has been legal provision since 2021 by Law 14,195, there is still some resistance to the appointment of these people as administrators, given the lack of updating of registration systems and the lack of knowledge of the process before […]
Senate approves changes to the SAFS Law
New Bill No. 2,978/2023, approved last Wednesday (05/15), to improve the governance of Football Corporations – SAFs Approved last Wednesday (05/15) by the Senate, Bill No. 2,978/2023 – PL 2,978/2023 aims to reform the governance of Football Corporations (SAFs), with the objective of protecting investors […]
Iosco recommendations on the cryptoasset market
By Moema Giovanella Launched on November 16 by the International Securities and Exchange Commission – Iosco, with the central purpose of addressing relevant issues related to market integrity and investor protection to securities regulators in the organization’s member countries, the cryptoasset report concludes a process that began on May 23 […]
Changes to the new Code of Best Corporate Governance Practices
By Fernanda Lazzarini* The 6th edition of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) Code of Best Corporate Governance Practices aims to contribute to the sustainable development and transparency of organizations by encouraging the conscious and effective use of corporate governance instruments. The document includes five principles: […]
Football Corporations: risks and opportunities in the capital market
The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) plays a key role in regulating and supervising the capital markets in Brazil. One of the CVM’s key areas of activity is to ensure that companies seeking capital market funding comply with established rules and guidelines.
The Football Corporation and its impacts
Law No. 14,193/21 created the Football Corporation (SAF) and established its constitution, governance, control and transparency, as well as forms of financing and treatment of liability.
It should be noted that the new law amended and supplemented Law No. 9,615/98 (Pelé Law) and provisions of the Civil Code. In this context, interest in football is also found in other legal provisions, such as Law No. 13,155/15 (Profut) and Law No. 11,38/06 (Sports Incentive Law – LIE).
Regardless of the specifics, it is worth noting that being a member of SAF is extremely valuable. The new legal form is a good opportunity to create a secure, stable and robust corporate structure for conducting the club's football activities, bringing together the best of the national sport with best practices presented around the world.
In an article published on our website, we address the main points of the law and its innovations, in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.
Bill amending the Corporations and CVM Law is sent to the Chamber
The Ministry of Finance submitted Bill 2,925/23 to the National Congress on 02/06 — taken
as the most important change in the Corporations Law in the last twenty years.
In addition to changing the Corporations Law, the project also proposes changes to Law 6,385/76, which created the
Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
Bill 2,925/23 also provides for the exclusion of confidentiality from corporate arbitrations involving
publicly-held companies, with the CVM being responsible for regulating the matter, establishing when confidentiality may be permitted.
The project is the result of studies carried out by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Economic (OECD) and the CVM, and was carried out by the Secretariat of Economic Policy of the Ministry
of the Farm.
With the approval of Bill 2,925/23, it will be up to the CVM to regulate changes in major