Market Demands Agility in Regulation of the New Exchange Rate Framework
By: André Jerusalmy The new Legal Framework for the Foreign Exchange Market, enacted on December 28, 2021, foresees important changes for financial agents, importers, exporters and all persons (whether individuals or legal entities) who wish to operate in foreign currency. However, for the provisions of the new law to come into effect, it is necessary to […]
Football clubs enter the token market
By: André Jerusalmy Just like cryptocurrencies, the word 'token' has started to be used very frequently in recent times. In short, tokens are digital representations of an investment, such as money or assets in general. Currently, there are several types of tokens with different functionalities, the main ones being: payment token, used for money transfers; […]
Independent Investment Agents are closer to the Investing Partners
By: André Jerusalmy The National Monetary Council (CMN) made the decision that now allows autonomous investment agents (AAI) to organize themselves as business corporations – without the restriction of being a group of professionals – meeting one of the main demands of the sector, which was the possibility of attracting investments by […]
Reduction of the Minimum Percentage of Shareholding Required to Exercise Certain Rights
By: André Jerusalmy On March 22, 2022, CVM Resolution 70 was issued, which established the scale for reducing the minimum percentage of shareholding required to exercise rights provided for in Law No. 6,404/76 (Corporations Law), repealing CVM Instructions No. 165, of December 11, […]
Have You Heard of Plural Vote?
By: André Jerusalmy On August 26, 2021, Law No. 14,195/2021 was published, which brought several changes to corporate legislation with the aim of making the national market more competitive from a regulatory point of view. One of the most innovative issues was the institution of plural voting in public limited companies. […]
Legal Framework for Startups
By: André Jerusalmy On June 1, 2021, Complementary Law No. 182/21 was enacted, with the Legal Framework for Startups as its theme, which aims to establish specific regulations on the subject in the country, which as a consequence, would foster the business environment in Brazil and the hiring of startups by the Public Administration. With this […]
By: André Jerusalmy We inform you that on February 15, 2022, the deadline for submitting the declaration of the Census of Brazilian Capital Abroad (“CBE”) opened, in which residents in Brazil must declare to the Central Bank the existence of values of any nature held outside the country, including assets, rights, instruments […]
The end of EIRELI – Impacts of Law 14.195/21
Por: André Jerusalmy No dia 9 de setembro, o Departamento Nacional de Registro Empresarial e Integração (“DREI”), vinculado ao Ministério da Economia, publicou o Ofício Circular SEI nº 3510/2021/ME (“Ofício”) dirigindo-se a todas as Juntas Comerciais quanto a revogação tácita da Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada (“EIRELI”) do inciso VI, art. 44 e art. 980-A e parágrafos, […]
M&A SERIES | Part 1: What is an M&A?
Por: André Jerusalmy 1 – INTRODUÇÃO: Com o objetivo de explicar, e até mesmo desmistificar, a nossos clientes e parceiros alguns conceitos muitas vezes utilizados em operações de fusões e aquisições de empresas (também popularmente conhecidos como “M&A”), iremos publicar uma série de artigos sobre o funcionamento de tais operações. Nosso objetivo é poder fornecer […]
Privatization of the Post Office
20/08/2021 Por Antonio Carlos Mazzucco e Fabiana Porta Recentemente, foi aprovada pela Câmara dos Deputados, o Projeto de Lei 591/2021, que prevê o fim do domínio estatal dos Correios, empresa pública federal vinculada ao Ministério das Comunicações e que tem por finalidade executar e controlar, em regime de monopólio, os serviços postais em todo território […]