The Limits of the Non-Compete Clause (or Barrier Clause) in Franchise Agreements

  Por Bárbara Oliveira O sistema de franquia tem se mostrado uma ótima alternativa aos empresários que pretendem expandir sua marca de forma rápida, sem, no entanto, despender de grande investimento. De acordo com a definição dada pelo artigo 2º da Lei nº 8.955/94, Franquia Empresarial é “o sistema pelo qual um franqueador cede ao […]

The advent of Law 13,792/19 and changes related to limited companies

Por Luis Felipe Eiras e Amanda Lima Publicada no Diário Oficial da União, no último dia 4 de janeiro de 2019, a Lei 13.792/19, esta qual que altera dispositivos do Código Civil que se aplicam às sociedades limitadas. Assegura a nova Lei reduz o quórum de destituição de administrador-sócio, nomeado no Contrato Social, de 2/3 […]

Mediation of corporate conflicts – 1st part.

  Por Fabio Marques Conflitos empresariais envolvem o empresário e a atividade empresária no contexto da empresa, entre sócios ou com terceiros. Em linguagem jurídica, diz-se que a o conflito de interesses se caracteriza pela pretensão resistida de qualquer das partes, fazendo nascer o direito subjetivo, e, em consequência a pretensão de direito que será […]

Compliance from the perspective of corporate governance

  By Amanda Lima Efficient companies require efficient management. The concept of Corporate Governance was born in this context, as it involves the mechanisms of direction, monitoring and incentives between partners, the board of directors, the board of directors, the supervisory and control bodies and other parties involved. Good corporate governance practices convert basic principles into objective recommendations, […]

Is Bill 9.590/18 viable for startups?

  By Luis Felipe Eiras The new Bill 9.590/2018, which is being processed by the Chamber of Deputies, proposed by Congressman João Henrique Holanda Caldas of PSB/AL, intends to regulate in a concrete manner criteria to define the concept of startup in Brazil, a subject that is little addressed by national legislation. The bill, which “provides for startups and […]

The Role of Family Protocol in the Longevity of Family Businesses

  By Amanda Lima In October 2018, the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (“IBGC”) launched its first instruction manual on Family Protocol on its knowledge portal, given the significant participation of family businesses in the Brazilian corporate sector. In addition to holding more than half of the Brazilian private market, they share the same difficulty, […]

Preferential Shares

  Por Vitor de Menezes Venancio Martins / Antonio Carlos C. Mazzucco Após muita discussão entre doutrina[1] e a prática[2] a respeito da emissão de quotas preferenciais por sociedades limitadas, o Departamento de Registro Empresarial e Integração (“DREI”) publicou, em 02 de março de 2017, por meio da Instrução Normativa n.º 38 (“IN 38/17”), a […]

The advent of Law 13,792/19 and changes related to limited companies

  Published in the Official Gazette of the Union on January 4, 2019, Law 13.792/19, which amends provisions of the Civil Code that apply to limited companies. The new Law ensures that the quorum for dismissal of a partner-administrator, appointed in the Articles of Association, is reduced from 2/3 to a majority of the share capital, if […]