Minister Dias Toffoli revokes injunction issued by Minister Luiz Fux to require the presentation of the CND as an essential requirement for Judicial Recovery

04/12/2020 Por Vitor Antony Ferrari e Ivan Kubala Em nota publicada em setembro deste ano havíamos comunicado decisão liminar proferida pelo Ministro Luiz Fux, à época recém empossado no cargo de Presidente da Suprema Corte de Justiça, exigindo de empresa em recuperação judicial a apresentação da Certidão de Regularidade Fiscal para homologação do plano de […]

Bankruptcy Law Approved

By Antonio Mazzucco, Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala 1 – In a plenary session, the Brazilian Federal Senate approved Bill No. 4,458, which significantly modifies Brazilian bankruptcy legislation. The aforementioned bill in the Senate derives from Bill No. 6,229 of 2005, which was approved in the Chamber of Deputies […]

Mazzucco & Mello on INSOL International

We are pleased to announce that our partners Antonio Mazzucco, André Jerusalmy and Vitor Antony Ferrari had their article “Judicial Restructure in Publicly Traded Companies” published by the respective institution INSOL International. INSOL International was founded in 1982 and it is the most important business restructure organization on the planet, nowadays formed by 40 Associations […]

Mazzucco & Mello at INSOL International

07/31/2020 It is with great pleasure that we announce that our partners Antonio Carlos Mazzucco, André Jerusalmy and Vitor Antony Ferrari had their article “Judicial Recovery in Public Companies” published in the respected institution INSOL International. INSOL International was founded in 1982 and is the leading company recovery organization on the planet, currently formed by 40 Associations from different countries, with more than […]