Sale of Assets in Judicial Recovery
By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala The Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery Law lists an exemplary list of means that companies can use in their recovery plan and to preserve their activities, among which the sale of assets stands out. However, there are some rules that must be observed by companies in […]
New BCB Resolution Allows Sharing of Rural Producer Data
By: André Jerusalmy In March, the Central Bank (“BCB”) published a new resolution that will allow data sharing in rural credit operations, with the consent of the holder. This new option will be operated directly by the BCB’s Rural Credit Operations Registration System (“Sicor”). Sicor records operations between beneficiaries of […]
Financial Group is fined for repeated telemarketing calls
By: Leonardo Neri Banco BMG was sentenced by the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo to pay a millionaire amount of R$6.6 million for having caused inconvenience through telemarketing to people who had refused to receive calls through this communication channel. The Court understood that there was negligence on the part of the Bank with […]
Reduction of the Minimum Percentage of Shareholding Required to Exercise Certain Rights
By: André Jerusalmy On March 22, 2022, CVM Resolution 70 was issued, which established the scale for reducing the minimum percentage of shareholding required to exercise rights provided for in Law No. 6,404/76 (Corporations Law), repealing CVM Instructions No. 165, of December 11, […]
BCB Publishes New Prudential Rules for Payment Institutions
By: André Jerusalmy The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) has published new prudential rules applicable to payment institutions (“IP”), based on public consultation number 78, made available in November 2021. Just like the latest news brought by the BC, this one is no different and aims at the same principles: agility, efficiency, competitiveness and bureaucratic unblocking. […]
Payment method that has won over Brazilians in recent years suffers from data leak
By: Leonardo Neri The instant payment PIX has gained bank customers almost automatically, since unlike TED and DOC, which have costs to carry out their operations. However, PIX, according to the Central Bank, has registered information leaks from the system at least 3 times in recent months, which […]
Hacker Group stands out for its involvement in numerous global episodes and highlights the international technological fragility of data protection
By: Leonardo Neri Anonymous is a hacker group that calls itself activists for digital freedom. As the name suggests, it is a collective of 'strangers' who value supposedly beneficial activities when it comes to popular freedom, and repudiate the attitudes of national representatives. Currently, they are treated as the most popular non-governmental hackers […]
How to start a Judicial Recovery?
By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Antonio Mazzucco and Ivan Kubala As is known, Judicial Recovery is a judicial procedure that, since 2005, has the objective of helping companies overcome their economic crises, maintain the jobs of their employees and collaborators, as well as continue generating wealth, taking advantage of an orderly renegotiation with […]
TRF3 recognizes the exclusion of ICMS-ST from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis
A 6ª Turma do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região (TRF-3) reconheceu, por maioria, o direito de empresas concessionárias à exclusão do valor do ICMS-ST da base de cálculo do PIS e da COFINS, quando na qualidade de substituídas, e autorizou a compensação dos valores indevidamente recolhidos. A discussão é um desdobramento da chamada “tese […]
What is a Judicial Recovery?
By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Antonio Mazzucco and Ivan Kubala In the face of the economic crisis, it has become very common to hear that companies that we deal with on a daily basis are undergoing Judicial Recovery. But what exactly is Judicial Recovery after all? Judicial Recovery is a judicial procedure that, since 2005, has been helping […]