Data protection

Cookies Policy

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the Holder will agree to the processing of cookies, in accordance with the definitions and terms set out below.

Definition: These are data files recorded on the device of a visitor to a website or portal (via smartphone or computer) that record information about user preferences, location, pages visited, among others, and that offer more practical navigation.

Regarding validity

Session cookie: They are temporary and remain until the web page or browser is closed. They can be used in e-commerce to analyze internet traffic patterns and to provide a better experience and contextualized content to users.

Permanent cookie: persist even if the browser has been closed. They can be used to remember users' login and password, for example, or to ensure a better user experience between different sessions.

As for the purpose

Strictly necessary: essential to allow the user to use the websites, applications and services offered, which could not be correctly offered without these Cookies. They are generally session Cookies.

Performance: collect anonymous information about how users use and interact with the websites, applications and services offered, allowing them to recognize their profiles and count visits and interactions.

Functionality: allow us to remember choices made by users (such as login and location) and provide more personal experiences, in addition to enabling possible customizations (when they are available). This information can be anonymized (becoming Anonymous Data) and does not track activities outside the websites, applications and services offered. They are generally permanent.

Analytics and advertising: allow advertisers and partners to deliver more relevant ads and information to users. They are also used to limit the number of times a user sees certain ads and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They remember certain user preferences and are used to help profile users to improve the user experience. They are usually permanent.

How cookies may be used by the Office

The Office may or may not use cookies when a user accesses internet portals owned by it and companies in its business group.

Cookies are only associated with the browser of a specific computer and do not provide references that allow the user's name and surname to be deduced.

Thanks to cookies, the Office can recognize users who have registered on a previous use of the pages, which means they do not have to register on each new visit.

The cookies that may be used on the websites and web pages of Mazzucco e Mello's internet portals may be installed by the Firm, which originate from the different servers operated by it, or from the servers of third parties that provide services and install cookies for the Firm.

To use the Office's internet portals, it is not necessary for the user to allow the reception of cookies sent by the Office, without prejudice to the fact that, in such a case, it will be necessary for the user to register each time they access a service that requires prior registration.

Whenever the option to prevent the installation of cookies has not been activated, the user may search the hard drive of his/her computer according to the instructions of the browser itself. The information relevant to this configuration is available in the instructions and manuals of the browser itself, as per the examples below: 

  • Internet Explorer:
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Chrome:
  • Safari:


It is important to note that there will be no guarantee of the correct functioning of the internet portals owned by Mazzucco e Mello and companies in its business group, if strictly necessary cookies are denied. 

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