
Iosco recommendations on the cryptoasset market

December 7, 2023

By Moema Giovanella

Launched on November 16 by the International Securities and Exchange Commission (IOSCO), with the central purpose of addressing relevant issues related to market integrity and investor protection to securities regulators in the organization's member countries, the cryptoasset report concludes a process that began on May 23, 2023, when the organization made the first publication of recommendations in an advisory capacity.

The report contains recommendations aimed primarily at crypto asset service providers (CASPs) with the aim of guiding the market to follow Iosco's general principles. In general, they address issues such as conflicts of interest, market misconduct, protection of client assets, and operational, technological, and regulatory risks.

Regulatory framework
The regulator should use the existing framework or create a framework to achieve the same levels of regulatory consistency found in traditional financial markets.

Fraud and market abuse
Cryptocurrency markets must be regulated consistently to prevent the same types of fraudulent and manipulative practices that exist in traditional financial markets.

Protection of clients' money and assets
The regulator must require CASP to adopt systems, policies and procedures to mitigate the risk of loss, theft or inaccessibility of client assets.

Technological and operational risks
The regulator should require CASP to adopt sufficient measures to address cyber resilience.

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