BC and CVM facilitate foreign investments in the country's financial and capital markets

The CVM and the BCB published Joint Resolution No. 13 on 12/03/2024, which revokes CMN Resolution 4373 and simplifies the rules for foreign investments in the financial and securities markets. The rule aims to attract more investors, reduce costs and improve the business environment in Brazil.

The changes include the simplification of procedures, expansion of assets to back DRs, facilitation of investments via specific accounts, extension of the document retention period and adoption of risk-based criteria. The new regulations, the result of public consultation, come into effect on January 1, 2025.

New BCB Resolution Allows Sharing of Rural Producer Data

By: André Jerusalmy In March, the Central Bank (“BCB”) published a new resolution that will allow data sharing in rural credit operations, with the consent of the holder. This new option will be operated directly by the BCB’s Rural Credit Operations Registration System (“Sicor”). Sicor records operations between beneficiaries of […]