Possibility of Extrajudicial Compulsory Adjudication

By Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala and Nicoly Crepaldi Minchuerri* In order to ensure greater legal security for the purchase, sale and registration of real estate, the legislator chose to adopt a legal mechanism that allows the registration of real estate even if it is not accompanied by all the required documentation: compulsory adjudication. It is common for […]

Dating, Qualified Dating and Stable Union

By Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala and Nicoly Crepaldi Minchuerri* As customs and social values evolve, it is common for people to change the way they interact with each other. In the field of relationships, this change can be easily observed when we analyze the way relationships develop between younger people compared to older people.

Distinguishing: Definition and Applicability

By Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala and Nicoly Crepaldi Minchuerri* When deciding on a specific procedural issue, the judge is obliged to provide a basis for his/her understanding, under penalty of the decision rendered being considered null and void. To substantiate this, he/she uses, among other legal grounds, the precedents established by the Superior Courts on the thesis debated in the specific case, which serve to […]