What are the implications of judicial recovery for creditors?
By Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala and Nicoly Crepaldi Minchuerri* In order to remain operational, generating jobs, boosting the economy and fulfilling their social function, many companies in financial difficulties opt for Judicial Recovery. This is an extreme measure, the company’s last attempt to avoid bankruptcy and, consequently, the closure of […]
Non-Incidence of Disregard of Legal Personality in the Judicial Recovery Process
By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala In order to protect economic activity, job creation and the social function of companies, the legislator chose to create means of protection for companies undergoing recovery that are in economic difficulties and also to ensure that their creditors receive what is rightfully theirs. Among them, […]
Mazzucco&Mello announces that it is organizing a Pool of Creditors to act in the Judicial Recovery of [Rossi].
According to partner Vitor Ferrari, responsible for the debt restructuring area of the firm, given the number and volume of creditors and dispersed credits that involve the recently distributed Judicial Recovery of Rossi Residencial, it is essential that creditors organize themselves so that there is a real appreciation and representation of each […]
Sale of Assets in Judicial Recovery
By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala The Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery Law lists an exemplary list of means that companies can use in their recovery plan and to preserve their activities, among which the sale of assets stands out. However, there are some rules that must be observed by companies in […]