BC and CVM facilitate foreign investments in the country's financial and capital markets

The CVM and the BCB published Joint Resolution No. 13 on 12/03/2024, which revokes CMN Resolution 4373 and simplifies the rules for foreign investments in the financial and securities markets. The rule aims to attract more investors, reduce costs and improve the business environment in Brazil.

The changes include the simplification of procedures, expansion of assets to back DRs, facilitation of investments via specific accounts, extension of the document retention period and adoption of risk-based criteria. The new regulations, the result of public consultation, come into effect on January 1, 2025.

CVM public consultation with proposals for the new EASY Regime for smaller companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM has made available to the general public of investors the public consultation of the proposed rules that establish the Facilitation of Access to Capital and Incentive to Listings – FÁCIL regime, which is part of the CVM 2024 Regulatory Agenda, bringing new rules, on an experimental basis, that promote facilitation of entry and access of smaller companies to the capital market.

Suggestions and comments can be sent until 12/6/2024 to the CVM email conpublica0124@cvm.gov.br.

New BCB Resolution No. 339 updates the rules regarding written duplicates

By Moema Giovanella The National Monetary Council – CMN, the Central Bank of Brazil – BCB and the Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM have been building an important regulatory agenda in recent years to increase competitiveness and security in the negotiation of commercial receivables in the country. Just like the changes to the rules for receivables […]

CVM Circular Letter on Receivables Tokens

By Moema Giovanella The result of extensive debate by the Securitization Superintendence – SSE of the Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM with the market after the first publication on the subject, Circular Letter CVM/SSE 4/2023 (OC 4/23), together with Circular Letter CVM/SSE 6/2023 (OC 6/23), published on 07/05/2023, aims to publicize […]

New Rules for Crowdfunding

By: André Jerusalmy Last Tuesday, June 28, 2022, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) published CVM Resolution No. 158, which amended CVM Resolution 88 (“Resolution 88”), which deals with the rules for carrying out collective financing of projects, also known as crowdfunding, and which will come into effect […]

CVM issues 27 new Resolutions related to Decree 10.139/19 – Accounting Standards Update

By: André Jerusalmy On May 20, 2022, the Accounting and Auditing Standards Superintendence (SNC) of the Securities and Exchange Commission issued 27 resolutions. This measure is part of the strategy of reviewing and consolidating normative acts below the decree, determined by Decree 10.139/2019. The resolutions are: CVM Resolution 90: consolidates CPC 01 (R1) and revokes […]

Mandatory Communication with the CVM on corporate demands by publicly traded and foreign companies

By: André Jerusalmy On May 13, 2022, the Superintendence of Corporate Relations (SEP) of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) released Circular Letter CVM/SEP 3/2022 (“Letter”), with guidelines on the indispensability of communicating to the CVM regarding corporate lawsuits in which the issuer, shareholders or administrators appear as parties and which contemplate the characteristics […]

B3 Believes that SPACs are viable in Brazil

By: André Jerusalmy SPACs, also known as “blank check” IPOs, are already well-known in the American financial market (Nasdaq), as they are one of the most flexible ways of raising funds to carry out an IPO (initial public offering). This type of fundraising is not yet available in Brazil, but it already has […]

CVM changes crowdfunding rules

By: André Jerusalmy On April 27, 2022, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) released Resolution CVM 88, which substantially modifies the rules regarding public offerings of small companies. The new resolution seeks to facilitate and improve the current rules for “crowdfunding”, which is a method of raising funds through […]

Debenture market on the rise in the first quarter of 2022

By: André Jerusalmy The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has generated global instability. Since the beginning of the war, the scarcity of energy sources and the increase in the price of oil and commodities have contributed to the escalation of prices in the world and in Brazil. In the first quarter alone, the values issued show an increase of […]