Are you a creditor in a Judicial Recovery? Find out what to do.

By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Judicial Recovery is a judicial procedure that has become increasingly common and helps companies overcome their economic crises, with an orderly renegotiation with creditors that is summarized in a Judicial Recovery Plan. However, what should be done when a […]


By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala If there is no possibility of maintaining a business activity, bankruptcy ends up being the judicial procedure for the immediate liquidation of the debtor, with the objective of reallocating any assets of the bankrupt company to other production chains. With the amendment of Law No. 11,101/05, the Brazilian bankruptcy procedure was abruptly modified, […]

Substantial Consolidation in light of changes to the Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Law

By: Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Substantial Consolidation is the union of rights and obligations of all the Companies Under Reorganization that make up a recognized Economic Group of Companies, which are now treated as a single entity, without, however, implying the definitive union of the legal personalities of the Companies, producing effects only in relation to […]

What to do when your assets are seized

By: Vitor Antony Ferrari In times of pandemic and in view of the economic volatility experienced in the last two years, it is not uncommon to come across acquaintances, clients and friends who have been suffering due to the crisis, unemployment and possible default in fulfilling various obligations. As a consequence, this default may end up giving rise to lawsuits filed by the injured parties […]

What is a debt restructuring process?

By: Antonio Mazzucco Debt restructuring is a process that aims to reduce the total amount of a company’s debt, reduce or suspend the interest rate that the company bears and postpone the deadline for debt repayment. What is the objective of a debt restructuring operation? Corporate debt restructuring […]