Judgments of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo containing grounds in the LGPD

By: Leonardo Neri We have collected some court decisions from the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo containing grounds in the LGPD. The following stand out: The 34th Private Law Chamber exempted Eletropaulo from compensating a customer for a data leak. The judge emphasized that the company was not at fault for the episode, which occurred due to the action of […]

Approved regulation for processing small agents in relation to LGPD

By: Leonardo Neri The approval of the processing regulation for small-scale agents in relation to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) was published on January 28, 2022 in the Official Gazette of the Union. Based on the rules provided for in articles 55-J, XVIII, of Law No. 13,709; article 2, XVIII, Annex I of Decree No. […]

Resolution published on how ANPD inspections will work starting in 2022

The approval of the regulation of the Inspection process and the Sanctioning Administration Process by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) was published on October 29, 2021 in the Official Gazette of the Union. Divided into four titles, the resolution addresses the General Provisions, broken down into 14 articles, which cover everything from […]

Personal data from PagSeguro in conjunction with WireCard were exposed on hacker forums and raises the issue of the legal limits of innovation

Electronic payment systems have been on the rise in recent years, pushing physical currencies into the background and, as a result, increasing the digital linkage of payments. As a result, the number of scams against banking companies has been increasing. On November 4th, it was PagSeguro’s turn to suffer the so-called registration hijackings, whose […]

Confidential data of Brazilians is allegedly commercialized by Facebook

On December 5th, new thefts of personal data were discovered in the market. Data protection information was allegedly taken from public agency pages and negotiated with the Meta group, which owns Facebook, for amounts of around R$$200.00 for the personal data of millions of Brazilians. According to a report by Folha de […]

Cacau Show is convicted for alleged leak of data from former employee

By: Leonardo Neri In a lawsuit pending in the Labor Court of Ponte Nova, an employee of Cacau Show alleged that she received calls from companies asking for consultations at inconvenient times. The case was filed in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, in Ponte Nova, where a franchisee of the aforementioned company was sentenced to R$$5,000.00 […]