After digital attack, giant broadcaster has employee data exposed to cybercriminals
About two months ago, a service provider for the Brazilian Television System (SBT) was hacked, and sensitive information was stolen (which, according to the LGPD, is characterized as personal data that reveals racial, ethnic, political, religious, affiliation, genetic, biometric, health, sexual life and/or sexuality), in addition to: Full names, documentation (proof of registration status), address […]
Data Protection Approved to Become a Fundamental Right
By: Leonardo Neri On October 20, 2021, the Proposed Constitutional Amendment (PEC) that addresses the transformation of personal data into a fundamental right was approved by the Senate, becoming a permanent clause in the Federal Constitution (CF), meaning that future changes will not have the power to weaken such protection. After approval, the proposal will go to […]
Porto Seguro suffers attempted cyber attack and brings important issue to the fore for debate
By: Leonardo Neri After CVC, Renner and Westwing, it was now Porto Seguro's turn to suffer an attempted cyber attack on the company's service channels and systems, which demonstrates how information security and the applicability of digital legislation in the country are still flawed, and the lack of investment in […]
Spanish group suffers virtual data hijacking, generating impacts in Brazil and the NY stock exchange
By: Leonardo Neri In news released on October 18, 2021, Atento, a company focused on providing call center services, specialized in unified communications and business process outsourcing (CRM/BPO), had its structure shaken due to a hacker attack on its networks. The virtual kidnapping, or ransomware (Lockbit 2.0), was so invasive […]
Facebook Group has its main products temporarily offline and the repercussions on data
By: Leonardo Neri On October 4, 2021, Facebook servers around the world experienced instability, affecting national stock exchanges, problems for sellers who need the networks for work, in addition to the loss of approximately U$50 billion in assets from Facebook itself and U$16 billion from Mark Zuckemberg's personal income, […]
Federal Police investigate the largest data leak in Brazil's history
02/04/2021 By Leonardo Neri and Barbara Oliveira At the request of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), the Federal Police is investigating what may be the largest data leak in the country’s history. It is estimated that the mega leak under investigation affected more than 220 million people who had their data disclosed on the internet, including […]
National Data Protection Authority publishes regulatory agenda
01/29/2021 By Leonardo Neri Taking advantage of the international data protection week, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) published yesterday, the 28th, its regulatory agenda, approved at the 1st deliberative meeting of its Board of Directors, held on January 20th. The regulatory agenda, published through Ordinance 11/2021, provides for the planning of actions […]