
Hacker Invades Judicial System to Change the Result of His Sentence

April 20, 2022

By: Leonardo Neri

On the 11th, the Federal Justice website suffered a rare turbulence, the invasion of its digital system by a hacker, whose purpose was to change the criminal sentence that had convicted him.
It is important to highlight that the virtual action carried out by the invader caused even more harm to himself, since, according to article 154-A, caput, of the Penal Code, it is possible to report the author for the crime of invading a computer device, combined with the crime of falsifying a public document, as defined in article 297, caput, of the same code.
In addition to the aforementioned case, the 12th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo noted an identical situation with the inclusion of the same recipient in another case whose demand involved the amount of R$ 600 thousand.
The criminal's confidentiality was broken by the Federal Police, who found that the hacker was the author of 6 more federal criminal modifications, with the purpose of altering the sentences, in addition to the two civil proceedings mentioned.
Finally, the defendant and his accomplice were ordered to be held in preventive detention. To date, the partner is in custody, while the intruder is on the run.

With the collaboration of Pedro Sobolewski

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