Practice Areas

Tax Planning

THEdeskMAZZUCCO & MELLO ADVOGADOS offers advice on structuring operational, tactical and strategic tax planning, with a view to adopting practices that guarantee individuals or legal entities the optimization of the tax burden on their businesses and investments.

The tax team at MAZZUCCO & MELLO ADVOGADOS has extensive experience in consulting in this area, focused on both domestic transactions involving individuals and the structuring of legal entities, as well as cross-border transactions, where it is necessary to analyze different jurisdictions to enable the implementation of offshore structures and payment flows in a safe, lawful manner, and with economic substance and effective business purpose.





Tax Planning, Tax



STJ will help the legal nature of stock option plans – Stocks Option Plans

The Superior Court of Justice expects to judge Theme No. 1,226 in 2024, which has...

Taxpayer obtains injunction to extend deadline for filing Dirbi with the Federal Revenue Service

In July, a decision was issued by the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region granting the requested preliminary injunction...



Companies fear undue charges from Difal 2022

On January 5, 2022, Complementary Law (LC) No. 190/2022 came into force, which regulates the...

Tax consultancy and planning

  • Consulting for large multinational technology companies on issues involving the import and resale of software, the contracting of technical services, technical and administrative assistance, both with regard to customs issues and the incidence of federal, state (ICMS) and municipal (ISS) taxes.

Tax consultancy – business model review

  • Consulting for the Brazilian subsidiary of an American company that manufactures home appliances and electronics in reviewing its business model in Brazil, including costs, expenses and taxes paid in the country and on shipments made abroad.

Tax consultancy in corporate restructuring operations

  • Advising a telecommunications company on the sale of its shares to another company and analyzing the various tax aspects arising from the transaction (amortization of goodwill, capital gains on the sale of equity interest, use of tax losses, among others). Transaction worth EUR 7 billion.

Tax consultancy in corporate restructuring operations

  • Advising a leading pharmaceutical company on the sale of its shares to another company regarding internal corporate restructuring, including analysis of the tax aspects of the transactions and implementation of the desired structure (transaction value – EUR 500 million).

Tax consultancy – estate planning

  • Advising several families on the implementation of corporate structures for asset protection, with financial and tax efficiency.

International tax planning

  • Structuring tax planning for multinational technology companies aimed at optimizing tax impacts related to remittances abroad such as payment of royalties, profits, among others, with a feasibility study of favorable jurisdictions from a tax point of view.
  • Structuring tax planning for companies that import and export goods, aimed at optimizing tax impacts related to shipments abroad, such as payment of royalties, profits, among others, with a feasibility study of favorable jurisdictions from a tax point of view.
Tax Planning, Tax

STJ will help the legal nature of stock option plans – Stocks Option Plans

The Superior Court of Justice expects to judge Theme No. 1,226 in 2024, which has...

Taxpayer obtains injunction to extend deadline for filing Dirbi with the Federal Revenue Service

In July, a decision was issued by the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region granting the requested preliminary injunction...

Chamber approved bill regulating tax reform

Last Wednesday (10/07), the Chamber of Deputies approved Complementary Bill No. 68/24 (“PLP 68/2024”),...

MP 1,227/2024: limitation on the use of PIS/COFINS credits

On 06/04/2024, Provisional Measure (“MP”) 1,227/2024 was published, which, among other measures, limited the possibilities for compensation...

Establishment of the São Paulo Plan in the Right Direction

On May 23, 2024, the Government of the State of São Paulo published Decree No....

STF will be able to define the ISS in the PIS and COFINS calculation base

Due to the cancellation of the request for a highlight made by Minister Min. Luiz Fux on May 23, 2024,...