
Conecta AASP Newsletter – 2nd Half of September 2022/ #3157

September 20, 2022

Nosso sócio da área tributária, tem sua participação no Boletim da AASP, na seguinte matéria:

Porto Alegre tests tax mediation.

Through Law No. 33/2021, the city of Porto Alegre is testing the first pilot project for tax mediation. The Tax Mediation and Conciliation Chamber is linked to the Municipal Finance Department and the City Attorney General's Office so that they can provide a space for discussion, both in the administrative and judicial spheres. In this safe legal environment, negotiation is made possible with the aim of reaching a consensual resolution of conflicts.

“Houve avanços importantes em relação à redução da litigiosidade tributária nos últimos anos e a regulamentação da transação tributária é, sem dúvida, a principal delas”, atesta nosso advogado. Todavia, o advogado também pondera que “normativas isoladas não são suficientes para a solução da legislação tributária, porém, já demonstram uma grande iniciativa ao estímulo à resolução consensual”.

According to the expert, the time is ripe for change, and tax mediation should be properly regulated and available to taxpayers. At the federal level, the recent changes brought about by Law No. 14,375/2022 demonstrate that the federal administration is more open to alternative measures.

If you have any questions about the topics covered in this publication, please contact any of the lawyers listed below or your usual Mazzucco&Mello contact.

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