New BCB Resolution Allows Sharing of Rural Producer Data

By: André Jerusalmy In March, the Central Bank (“BCB”) published a new resolution that will allow data sharing in rural credit operations, with the consent of the holder. This new option will be operated directly by the BCB’s Rural Credit Operations Registration System (“Sicor”). Sicor records operations between beneficiaries of […]

BCB Publishes New Prudential Rules for Payment Institutions

By: André Jerusalmy The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) has published new prudential rules applicable to payment institutions (“IP”), based on public consultation number 78, made available in November 2021. Just like the latest news brought by the BC, this one is no different and aims at the same principles: agility, efficiency, competitiveness and bureaucratic unblocking. […]

List of Countries at Risk to the Financial System

By: André Jerusalmy The CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) released at the beginning of November the CVM Report 04/21: GAFI/FATF Communication, which provides for the Financial Action Task Force against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (informal international grouping), in which the autarchy deals with the countries and jurisdictions that must be monitored in a […]

Bacen systematizes rules for authorization of Operation of Financial Institutions

By: André Jerusalmy As of July 1, 2022, CMN Resolution No. 4,970 (“Resolution 4970˜) will come into effect, making the system for granting the necessary authorizations for the operation of financial institutions more dynamic. In short, the aforementioned resolution seeks to simplify or make the authorization process more rigorous, depending on […]


By: André Jerusalmy With the growth of the crypto asset market, especially cryptocurrencies, we see an increase in the interest of governments and entities in regulating these assets that currently have no type of regulation. However, the great attraction of cryptocurrencies, which is precisely decentralization, is also their biggest problem. Given […]

New Legal Framework for Foreign Exchange

By: André Jerusalmy Law 14.286/2021, which will be known as the “New Legal Framework for Foreign Exchange”, was published in the Official Gazette of the Union on December 30, 2021, and brings a series of innovations to the Brazilian foreign exchange market. One of the main innovations of the aforementioned law is the possibility for banks and institutions […]

Metaverse Creates Business Opportunities and Trillion-Dollar Market

By: André Jerusalmy One of the most notable events of 2021 was the change of Facebook’s name, which became “Meta”. This change was not a mere fad (or opportunism) due to the growth of projects focused on the virtual environment that has come to be called the metaverse, but rather the result of […]

Initiatives for Innovation in the National Financial System – LIFT Lab

By: André Jerusalmy On June 30, in an online event promoted by the National Federation of Central Bank Employee Associations (Fenasbac), the president of the Central Bank of Brazil, Roberto Campos, announced 43 projects to increase inclusion, competitiveness, transparency, education and sustainability of the national financial system, which are part of the BC's agenda […]

Congress overturns vetoes and maintains FIAGRO benefits

Em sessão realizada no dia 1º de junho, o Congresso Nacional derrubou importantes vetos presidenciais ao Projeto de Lei nº 5191/2020, aprovado e convertido na Lei nº 14.130/2021, que instituiu os Fundos de Investimentos das Cadeias Agroindustriais (“FIAGRO”). O FIAGRO será destinado a investir em ativos ligados ao setor de agronegócios, tais como imóveis rurais, […]