Dating, Qualified Dating and Stable Union

By Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala and Nicoly Crepaldi Minchuerri* As customs and social values evolve, it is common for people to change the way they interact with each other. In the field of relationships, this change can be easily observed when we analyze the way relationships develop between younger people compared to older people.

Family Protocol: what it is and what its purpose is

Family businesses make up the vast majority of companies in the country. However, they are subject to a series of family issues that can lead to their extinction. In order to mitigate such problems, it is necessary to draw up a family protocol: a document whose function, in addition to
to keep the legacy and history of the business family alive, determines, through contractual clauses, how the administration, succession and responsibility of family members towards the company will be.

Difference between property regimes in marriage

By: Vitor Ferrari, Ivan Kubala. Marriage, in addition to uniting the lives of two people, also unites their assets. However, adopting the correct property sharing regime is essential for spouses to protect themselves in the event of a divorce. This text addresses the differences between the existing regimes. Both marriage and […]

Shared custody of PETs

By: Vitor Antony Ferrari, Ivan Kubala A law is much more than a legal device created to regulate a certain conduct. It is a cultural trait of a society, since the legal asset protected and the reason for the norm having been created says a lot about the universe in which the legislator is inserted. The changes […]

Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobia in Brazil

By: Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Despite the recent advances and achievements, the fact is that the right to equal marriage has not been introduced into Brazilian legislation, and, despite being widely and correctly practiced, it has been relying on the historical and correct understanding of the Judiciary. This means that the Civil Code that determines the […]

Diversity in Family and Succession Law

By Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Over the years, diversity has been gaining more and more space in the guardianships related to Family and Succession Law, an institute that still preserves, unjustifiably, a good dose of conservatism (it is said to be discrimination). As we know, for a long time the family was identified only as the union between […]

Property regime in marriage

  By Fábio Marques Book IV of the civil code relating to family law is divided into two parts: the first part deals with personal rights in marriage, which deals with matters such as marriage, its rules of execution, nullity, impediments, divorce, separation, protection of children, etc., and, in the second part, the […]