Another renowned bank confirms data leak of thousands of customers
Por: Leonardo Neri Recentemente clientes do grupo financeiro Bradesco receberam uma notícia desagradável da empresa, já que aproximadamente 53 mil de consumidores foram expostos por um vazamento de seus dados pessoais. De prontidão, a Instituição Financeira já comunicou os lesados e coopera de forma veemente com as autoridades. No comunicado disposto ainda no dia do […]
Brand symbol of capitalism claims that customer data was accessed without prior authorization
By: Leonardo Neri McDonald's, the world's largest fast food chain, has alleged that Brazilian customer data was accessed improperly following a security incident reported in the media. The company's representative in Brazil reiterated that no 'sensitive data' of franchise chain consumers was exposed, and that it cooperated […]
Brazilians use the “LGPD Wallet” to prevent spam on social networks
By: Leonardo Neri Many users of social networks, such as WhatsApp, are unaware of how their personal data is accessed by companies, mainly in the construction and telephony sectors, which offer them real estate developments and annual usage plans, respectively. The indelicate situations in which citizens are exposed have given rise to what is popularly known as […]
DPO enters the Brazilian Classification of Occupations – CBO.
By: Leonardo Neri The Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been included in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations, CBO. Among the professions included by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security are skateboarders, DPOs, e-commerce analysts and more than 2 thousand recognized occupations, which have the integration of Income Tax declarations in the Annual Report of Information […]
Hacker Invades Judicial System to Change the Result of His Sentence
By: Leonardo Neri On the 11th, the Federal Court website experienced a rare turbulence, the invasion of its digital system by a hacker, whose purpose was to change the criminal sentence that had convicted him. It is important to emphasize that the virtual action carried out by the intruder caused even more damage to himself, since […]
Payment method that has won over Brazilians in recent years suffers from data leak
By: Leonardo Neri The instant payment PIX has gained bank customers almost automatically, since unlike TED and DOC, which have costs to carry out their operations. However, PIX, according to the Central Bank, has registered information leaks from the system at least 3 times in recent months, which […]
Hacker Group stands out for its involvement in numerous global episodes and highlights the international technological fragility of data protection
By: Leonardo Neri Anonymous is a hacker group that calls itself activists for digital freedom. As the name suggests, it is a collective of 'strangers' who value supposedly beneficial activities when it comes to popular freedom, and repudiate the attitudes of national representatives. Currently, they are treated as the most popular non-governmental hackers […]
Hacker group steals and leaks hundreds of gigabytes of data from major technology company
By: Leonardo Neri After illegally accessing confidential data from Samsung’s Galaxy line, cybercriminals removed around 200 GB of data from the company, which includes encryption (digital security); binary encryption (computerized numbering system with the numbers 0 and 1) and access control. To date, there is still no idea of the purpose […]
São Paulo subway becomes target of legal action over use of users' images
Por: Leonardo Neri Em 03 de março de 2022 foi ajuizada contra o Metrô de SP, uma ação cível pública que visa a proibição da coleta e registros, sem consentimento, dos rostos de usuários. Atualmente, já foram cadastrados, sem autorização dos titulares de dados, cerca de 4 milhões de faces diárias. A companhia de transporte […]
Ministry of Justice and Public Security publishes ordinance on rules and processing of personal data
By: Leonardo Neri According to the National Institute for Data Protection on LinkedIn, the ordinance regarding the general policy and regulation of data protection was released, the main purpose of which is to disclose the formal rules for processing personal data, in accordance with current legislation. Ordinance MJSP No. 561 was made available on […]