Ash Wednesday: Holiday, Optional Day Off or Normal Day? Learn How to Manage Working Hours in Your Company

Quarta-feira de Cinzas: Como sua empresa pode gerenciar a jornada de trabalho?

A Quarta-feira de Cinzas não é feriado nacional, mas pode ser ponto facultativo em algumas cidades. No setor privado, cabe às empresas definirem a jornada dos colaboradores, podendo manter o expediente normal, liberar parcialmente ou adotar medidas como banco de horas e acordos de compensação. Clique no link para mais informações e descubra como otimizar a gestão da sua equipe!

Registration with the Commercial Board and the rural producer's eligibility for judicial recovery

The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) ruled in Topic 1145 that rural producers may file for judicial recovery even if they have recently registered with the Board of Trade, as long as they prove that they have been operating for at least two years. This decision expands access to the benefit, allowing the time of operation prior to registration to be considered. If you are a rural producer and are facing difficulties, judicial recovery may be the solution to restructure your debts and maintain your production!

Union Leader and Just Cause: Understand the Process and Protect your Company

A tire manufacturer has been convicted of granting financial benefits to employees who did not join a strike, which constitutes anti-union practice. The decision reinforces that labor laws protect the right to strike and prohibit any form of discrimination or retaliation by the employer. Financially incentivizing non-participation in a strike movement can result in severe penalties, such as compensation for collective moral damages and administrative sanctions.

Our office has extensive experience and is prepared to guide your company in decision-making and implementation of good labor practices and union relations.

Large Retailer Sentenced for False Information about Interest Rates

A recent decision by the TRT-15 condemned a large retailer for unethical practices, including moral harassment and false information about interest rates on installment purchases. The case reinforces the importance of an ethical work environment and efficient reporting channels.

With the NR-1 updates for 2025, which include psychosocial risk management, your company must:

Strengthen reporting channels.

Carry out continuous training.

Monitor occupational risks.

#Compliance #NR1 #CorporateEthics #LaborLaw #RiskManagement

New Procedural Rules at the TST: Understand Resolution 224/2024 

The recent Resolution No. 224/2024 of the Superior Labor Court (TST), which came into force on December 28, 2024, brings significant changes to the labor appeal system, especially in the processing of appeals. Among the main changes introduced by Resolution 224/2024, the possibility of filing an internal appeal for decisions […]

STJ will help the legal nature of stock option plans – Stocks Option Plans

The Superior Court of Justice expects to rule in 2024 on Topic No. 1,226, which affects Special Appeals 2,069,644 and 2,074,564, and seeks to define the legal nature of the “stock option plan”. The topic aims to clarify the legal nature of stock option plans for executives to purchase shares in companies […]

Lecture on Management and Planning of ICMS and ICMS-ST in the context of Tax Reform

On August 13th, our partner André Martins will be present as a speaker at the 18th Fiscal Management & Speed Forum, promoted by Confeb | Live University, addressing the main aspects related to the management and planning of ICMS and ICMS-ST over the next decade, considering the changes implemented by the text of the Reform […]