Rossi Judicial Recovery
Rossi Residencial, together with over 300 companies that are part of its economic group, filed a request for judicial recovery yesterday, September 19, before the 1st Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery Court of the District of the Capital of the State of São Paulo. The company, which is part of the Rossi Group, founded in 1953, has accumulated debts […]
Conecta AASP Newsletter – 2nd Half of September 2022/ #3157
Nosso sócio da área tributária, tem sua participação no Boletim da AASP, na seguinte matéria: Porto Alegre testa mediação tributária. Por meio da Lei nº 33/2021, o município de Porto Alegre testa o primeiro projeto-piloto de mediação tributária. A Câmara de Mediação e Conciliação Tributária está vinculada à Secretaria Municipal da Fazenda e à Procuradoria-Geral […]
Extinction of the Bankrupt's Obligations
By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala According to Law 11.101/05, an individual entrepreneur is bankrupt when he/she carries out business without the proper separation of assets, the unlimited liability partner and the business corporation as a whole, that is, the company. With bankruptcy declared, the debtor becomes responsible for a series of obligations, […]
Rio de Janeiro State Government regularizes secretariat after hacker invasion
Por: Leonardo Neri A base de dados da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, em meados de agosto, sofreu um grave ataque de grupos cibernéticos. As autoridades responsáveis informaram sobre a queda dos sites de todas as esferas, do financeiro até à saúde. Ante a gravidade do caso, só foi possível restabelecer o acesso de forma […]
Substantial Consolidation: What is it and when to use it?
By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Originating from the American jurisprudential system, Substantial Consolidation is a mechanism for resolving insolvencies of business groups through the unification of their debts and creditors. Its objective is to unify the assets and liabilities of companies in an economic group so that all companies in the group […]
PL 815/22: New possibilities for cooperatives
By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala On April 4, 2022, federal deputy Hugo Leal (PSD/RJ) presented Bill No. 815/2022, which regulates the reorganization of cooperative societies, amending provisions of Law No. 5,764/71. On May 18, 2022, the Bill was referred to the Committee on Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Services […]
Debt of a company incorporated by a company undergoing recovery is subject to universal judgment
By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala In the judgment of Special Appeal No. 1,972,038 – RS, the 3rd Panel of Ministers of the Superior Court of Justice understood that the debts belonging to the company Oi Internet, incorporated by the company Oi Móvel, must be subject to the incorporating company’s judicial recovery plan. The understanding of the judges was unanimous […]
Uber Case – Repercussion of the M&A operation
Por: Leonardo Neri Há algum tempo, o caso Uber ficou conhecido por como o impacto da Privacidade & Proteção de Dados pode impactar diretamente em uma enorme operação de fusões e aquisições (M&A). A empresa Uber havia sido avaliada no mercado, na oportunidade, por 70 bilhões de dólares. E o Softbank desejava adquiri-la. No entanto, […]
Reference Form Version 2023 Available
Por: André Jerusalmy A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“CVM”), por meio da Superintendência de Supervisão de Relações com Empresas (“SEP”) publicou o Ofício Circular CVM/SEP 4/2022, para informar às companhias abertas e estrangeiras sobre a continuidade do processo de migração dos formulários cadastral e de referência utilizados no sistema Empresas.Net para a plataforma web. De […]
ITR World Tax Recognition
Mazzucco & Mello Advogados was recognized as one of the leading law firms in the country by ITR World Tax in the categories: General Corporate Tax, Tax Controversy and Indirect Tax.