Establishment of the São Paulo Plan in the Right Direction
On May 23, 2024, the Government of the State of São Paulo published Decree No. 68,538/2024, which instituted the São Paulo in the Right Direction Plan, establishing guidelines that aim at “expanding investment, efficiency of public spending, reducing current expenses and modernizing the state Public Administration”. In this context, it is worth highlighting […]
STF will be able to define the ISS in the PIS and COFINS calculation base
Due to the cancellation of the request for a highlight made by Minister Min. Luiz Fux on May 23, 2024, General Repercussion Theme No. 118, which deals with the incidence of ISS in the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS, may once again be scheduled by the STF plenary for virtual judgment. The judgment of […]
Companies must register with the Electronic Judicial Domicile by May 30th to avoid penalties
The deadline for large and medium-sized Brazilian companies to voluntarily register with the Electronic Judicial Domicile, a tool of the Justice 4.0 Program that centralizes procedural communications from all Brazilian courts on a single digital platform, ends on May 30. After this date, registration will be mandatory, using data from the Federal Revenue Service, […]
Senate approves changes to the SAFS Law
New Bill No. 2,978/2023, approved last Wednesday (05/15), to improve the governance of Football Corporations – SAFs Approved last Wednesday (05/15) by the Senate, Bill No. 2,978/2023 – PL 2,978/2023 aims to reform the governance of Football Corporations (SAFs), with the objective of protecting investors […]
STF will be able to define the ISS in the PIS and COFINS calculation base
Due to the cancellation of the request for a highlight made by Minister Min. Luiz Fux on May 23, 2024, General Repercussion Theme No. 118, which deals with the incidence of ISS in the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS, may once again be scheduled by the STF plenary for virtual judgment. The judgment of […]
Law No. 14,801/2023 was enacted, creating Infrastructure Debentures
By Moema Giovanella This Wednesday (10) the Executive Government sanctioned, without vetoes, the new Law No. 14,801/2023, which creates Infrastructure Debentures. Despite differing from Incentivized Debentures, which grant benefits to the purchasers of the securities, the new instrument does not eliminate them. According to the new device, special purpose companies, concessionaires, […]
Exclusion of the Presumed IPI Credit from the PIS/COFINS base
Em mais um importante julgamento de temas tributários que ocorreu em dezembro de 2023, o Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (“STF”), ao analisar o Tema de Repercussão Geral n° 504, entendeu que o Crédito Presumido de IPI, proveniente da aquisição de insumos para a fabricação de produtos destinados à exportação, deve ser excluído da base […]
MP reinstates payroll, revokes Perse benefits and limits compensation
O Governo Federal, em mais uma investida pelo aumento da arrecadação, publicou a Medida Provisória (“MP”) n° 1.202/2023, que majora consideravelmente a tributação suportada pelos contribuintes mediante a reoneração da folha de pagamentos, a revogação dos benefícios do Programa Emergencial de Retomada do Setor de Eventos (“Perse”) e a limitação da compensação de créditos decorrentes […]
The intersection of Privacy and Generative AI
By Leonardo Neri One of the most popular panels at AI Governance Global 2023 was: “Can Generative AI Survive the GDPR?”. The discussion with panelists from academia, regulators (EDPS – European Data Protection Authority, among others) and industry, raised more questions than answers, in fact no one knew how to reconcile the challenges of […]
STF allows termination of small value tax foreclosure
Na última quarta-feira, o Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (“STF”), ao julgar o Tema de Repercussão Geral n° 1.184, decidiu que Execuções Fiscais de baixo valor podem ser extintas, se assim quiser o Ente Federado (União, Estados ou Municípios) que entenda pela falta de interesse de agir ou de prosseguir com tais Execuções de pequena […]