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Government creates committee to develop rules for issuing public debt securities.

By: Moema Giovanella Decree No. 11,532/2023, published on the 17th, established the Sustainable Finance Committee...

Avaí's Request for Judicial Recovery

By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala The biggest football team in the State of Santa Catarina, Avaí...

Reverse Auction in Judicial Recovery      

By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala It is common knowledge that asset auctions are possible in legal proceedings...

State of insolvency prevents new debt installment payments

Saraiva's bankruptcy petition, filed by our office on behalf of the company Websoul, was highlighted in...

The evolution of CIPA+A for harassment prevention

By: Rafael Mello and Leticia Cordeiro After this May 1st, we highlight what seems to be a...

Topic 1.182: STJ must analyze the (non) incidence of IRPJ and CSLL on ICMS tax benefits.

The STJ is expected to begin, next Wednesday (26/04), the trial of Theme nº 1.182, aiming to “define whether it is...

Increase in the number of judicial recoveries  

By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala According to data from Serasa Experian, the number of requests for judicial recovery...

Difal – ICMS: the trial was postponed by the STF

The joint trial of Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADI's) No. 7066, 7070 and 7078 that was on the agenda...


By: Antonio Mazzuco and Luiz Gustavo Doles Public offerings of securities are complex procedures regulated by Resolution...

Adherence to the Zero Litigation Program is extended until May 31, 2023.

On March 31, 2023, Joint Ordinance No. 3/2023 of the Attorney General's Office was published...

Procedural rite of Judicial Recovery      

By: Vitor Ferrari and Ivan Kubala Every judicial process follows a specific procedure, in order to ensure predictability...

Jurisprudential Guidance OJ 394 of the TST and the Labor Reform

By: Rafael Mello and Israel Cruz The Superior Labor Court (TST) reviewed the jurisprudential guideline 394 (OJ...