By: André Jerusalem
On February 15, the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) board, supported by a statement from the Sandbox Committee (CDS), extended the validity period of resolution 875 by one month, which temporarily authorized Vórtx Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda. and Vórtx QR Tokenizadora Ltda. to join the regulatory sandbox, that is, certain experimental actions related to the capital market.
It is important to note that the activities developed by such companies are supported by the regulatory sandbox as they have no legal definition and, to a large extent, are innovative and disruptive, especially when we take into account the Tokenization activity, which despite being similar to securitization, is done based on the blockchain structure.
This extension shows CVM's commitment to supporting the development of innovative activities by market agents committed to bringing new technologies and innovative and safe solutions to the capital market.