New Procedural Rules at the TST: Understand Resolution 224/2024 

A recente Resolução nº 224/2024 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST), que entrou em vigor a partir de 28 de dezembro de 2024, traz alterações significativas na sistemática recursal trabalhista, especialmente no processamento do recurso de revista.  Entre as principais mudanças introduzidas pela Resolução 224/2024, destaca-se a possibilidade de interposição de agravo interno para decisões […]

Criteria for Recognition of Economic Group: Analysis of Recent TST Decision 

Within the scope of legal relations prior to the Labor Reform (Law 13,467/2017), the consolidated jurisprudence of the Superior Labor Court (TST) highlights that, in order for an economic group to be recognized, it is essential to prove hierarchical subordination between the companies involved, with the demonstration of effective control by a leading company over the […]

12×36 working hours for caregivers and the absence of a written agreement

By Rafael Mello and Fabiana Aparecida da Silva In a recent decision, the 6th panel of the TST, by unanimous vote when judging the appeal in the appeal for review in case no. RR-389-45.2018.5.21.0001, granted overtime during the period in which the daily and weekly limit of the domestic employee's working hours was exceeded, for two caregivers […]