
Tax Reform: Analysis, Perspectives and Possible Impacts for Chinese Companies.

June 16, 2023

On June 14, Mazzucco&Mello Sociedade de Advogados, in partnership with the Chinese Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Brazil and the Brazilian Association of Chinese Enterprises, promoted an event on tax reform, addressing the technical aspects of the current proposals and their economic, legal and political challenges.

With the aim of providing an in-depth analysis, presenting perspectives and discussing the possible impacts of this reform for Chinese organizations, the event brought together renowned experts on the subject, such as our tax partner and our guest Anne Caroline M. Alves, who presented her panel, addressing the economic impacts of the reform.

We would like to thank the partners of the firm, ABEC, CCPIT, the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in São Paulo and the entire team at our firm for all their support in planning and executing all the details of this great event.

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