
Paula Suraci

Paula Suraci

+55 11 3090-9195

Lawyer with over seven years of experience in legal departments of companies that are part of the financial and capital markets, such as B3 SA – BRASIL, BOLSA, BALCÃO and CRDC – CENTRAL DE REGISTRO DE DIREITOS CREDITÓRIOS SA, in the corporate and regulatory areas, providing legal guidance on financial assets and collaborating to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and regulations, including CVM Resolution 175.

Practice Areas


Featured cases

Featured cases

Participation in the project to establish the Association for IMFS Interoperability – APIIMF

Participation in the preparation of the Convention between Registration Entities, Central Depositories and Registrars – Book-entry Duplicates



Ash Wednesday: Holiday, Optional Day Off or Normal Day? Learn How to Manage Working Hours in Your Company

Ash Wednesday: How can your company manage the working day? Ash Wednesday is not...

Registration with the Commercial Board and the Eligibility of Rural Producers for Judicial Recovery

The STJ decided in Theme 1145 that rural producers can request judicial recovery even if they have registered...



Law Degree – Mackenzie

LL.M. Financial and Capital Markets Law – Insper

MSc in Management Program – Emlyon (France)

“Building a Fintech – Legal and Operational Aspects” – Insper