CARF maintains foremanship in the calculation basis of Import Tax

Em julgamento realizado nesta quarta-feira (27/10), os conselheiros da 3ª Turma da Câmara Superior do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (CARF) decidiram, por unanimidade, que as despesas com capatazia – atividade de movimentação de cargas e mercadorias nas instalações portuárias – devem integrar a base de cálculo do Imposto de Importação (II)[1]. Apesar de já […]

CVM Fines Autonomous Investment Agent

By: André Jerusalmy On September 21, 2021, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) judged the Administrative Sanctioning Proceeding CVM SEI 19957.000520/2020-01 (RJ2020/01227), which analyzed an accusation attributed to an independent investment agent (“AAI”) accused of receiving client funds in his personal account, thus violating art. 13, II of CVM Instruction No. […]

STF: IRPJ and CSLL are not levied on Selic

A maioria dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) entendeu pela não incidência de IRPJ e CSLL sobre os valores referentes à atualização pela taxa Selic recebidos em virtude de repetição de indébito tributário, ressarcimento, restituição e compensação de créditos tributários pagos indevidamente ou a maior. No julgamento do RE 1.063.187, com repercussão geral reconhecida […]

Carbon neutrality and the energy transition

09/21/2021 By Leonardo Neri and Fabiana Porta In December 2015, the international commitment to reduce global warming was approved. The agreement was discussed among 195 countries during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, replacing the Kyoto Protocol. Also ratified by Brazil, the pact […]

New GSF Crisis and Energy Crisis

By: Leonardo Neri At the end of 2020 and after five long years of processing by the National Congress, new conditions for the renegotiation of the hydrological risk of electricity generation (GSF – Generation Scaling Factor) were approved. The GSF measures the hydrological risk, which concerns the volume of energy generated by the plants and its guarantee […]

Regulation of the LGPD linked to public consultation by the ANPD

Por: Leonardo Neri Foi promulgada minuta de resolução por parte da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), onde ficou definido flexibilização de obrigatoriedade na nomeação do encarregado pela proteção de dados para: microempresas de pequeno porte; startups; pessoas jurídicas sem fins lucrativos; agentes de tratamento de pequeno porte (com exclusão de agentes de mesmo […]

(Im)seizability of the guarantor’s property in a lease – Topic 1,127 STF

By Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala* The Supreme Federal Court (STF) is currently processing Extraordinary Appeal 1307334, which specifically addresses the constitutionality of the (non)seizability of residential property owned by a guarantor of a commercial lease instrument. The Judgment already has eight votes, all of which were cast on August 12, and was suspended with […]

Basic text of Tax Reform is approved in the Chamber of Deputies

Por 398 votos a 77, a Câmara dos Deputados aprovou ontem (01.09) o texto-base da reforma tributária, o qual prevê diversas alterações na legislação do Imposto de Renda das Pessoas Jurídicas e das Pessoas Físicas (“IRPJ” e “IRPF”). Dentre as principais medidas previstas no texto, está a redução do IRPJ das empresas, dos atuais 15% […]

Multi-ownership (Time Sharing) of Urban and Rural Properties

By: Vitor Antony Ferrari and Ivan Kubala. In short, time sharing or multi-ownership consists of sharing assets, whether real estate or movable, for a period of time, which may belong to one or more partners/investors. It is a type of temporal division of the asset. In Brazil, 02 (two) years before Law No. 13,777/18 was enacted, […]