Understand everything about Difal and what to do to do not need to pay this tax in 2022

Why do you need this content?

This content is intended for e-commerces and other retailers that make interstate sales to end consumers located in other states.

We want and can help you

We will draw up a strategic plan seeking, in a safe and legally adequate way, to eliminate the Difal requirement for the year 2022.

What are we delivering to you?

Leonardo Neri prepared an E-Book to explain a little about this new legislation and how it could impact your company.

Check out some topics we cover in this e-Book below:

  • Difal: a history of illegalities
  • STF and the modulation of effects: when the taxpayer wins, but does not take
  • STF and Difal 
  • State demonstrations
  • Jurisprudence and perspectives

Guilherme Silveira Martins

Guilherme has worked in the tax area since 2006, having extensive experience in consultancy and administrative litigation in indirect taxes and customs issues, having worked in some of the main law firms in the country.

As Legal Director of ABComm, Guilherme was responsible for drafting bills on tax matters related to electronic commerce and for conducting Collective Actions, with national scope and repercussion, aiming to protect the rights and interests of the Sector.

In 2021, Guilherme was recognized as one of the main tax experts in Brazil by the renowned ITR World Tax.

Guilherme was also elected to join the Retail Competitiveness Forum, promoted by the Ministry of Economy, due to his extensive expertise in legal issues related to electronic commerce. He is also a speaker and columnist on topics related to Tax Law.