
New deadline for negotiating tax credits for active debt

October 27, 2023

On October 2, the National Treasury Attorney General's Office (PGFN) published Notice PGDAU No. 4/2023, which extends the possibility for Taxpayers to join Federal Tax Transactions, an institute created to facilitate the negotiation of debts registered in active debt with the Union.

There are some modalities that can be joined, divided between those aimed at (i) small-value litigation; (ii) debts that are difficult to recover or irrecoverable; or (iii) according to the payment capacity; as well as those related to (iv) registrations guaranteed by insurance or letter of guarantee; and those included in the (v) Tax Litigation Reduction Program (“PRLF”).

Negotiating the amounts is attractive due to the granting of several benefits, such as discounts, extended payment terms, in addition to the possibility of using federal court orders for the amortization or full settlement of the amount transacted.

Our tax team is available to provide any clarifications.

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