
Diogo Ferraz

Diogo Ferraz

+55 11 3090-9195

Lawyer with over 15 years of experience in the areas of Compliance, Corporate and Financial and Capital Markets, especially in advising Public Companies, Financial Institutions, Managers, Securitizers, Fiduciary Agents and other players involved in the structuring of public offerings for the issuance of CRI, CRA, Debentures, FIP, FII and FIDC shares, as well as in the registration of Financial Institutions with the Central Bank, CVM and ANBIMA.

It works on conducting registration projects for the qualification and operation of companies before the competent bodies (national and foreign), including the registration of DTVM before the Central Bank, CVM and ANBIMA.

Practice Areas


Featured cases

Featured cases

He worked on structuring several CRI offerings, with emphasis on the pioneering CRI offerings backed by debentures for distribution to the general public.

Advised financial institutions on public offerings of CRIs, CRAs, Debentures and Structured Funds that together exceed R$1.4 billion in issued values.




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Registration with the Commercial Board and the Eligibility of Rural Producers for Judicial Recovery

The STJ decided in Theme 1145 that rural producers can request judicial recovery even if they have registered...



Mackenzie Presbyterian University Law School