Put Christian Fernandes Rosa and Beatriz Wehby – 27/07/2020
The City of São Paulo published, last Thursday (23), the notice of concession of use of areas located in the Anhangabaú Valley, for sociocultural activation, maintenance and commercial exploration. Located in the city center, it brings together the São Paulo City Hall building, the Municipal Theater, the São Paulo Dance School and the São Paulo Dramatic and Musical Conservatory. The Anhangabaú River runs underground, which, in Tupi, means river or water of evil spirits.
The aim, in principle, would be to activate the use of the area, making it a more attractive place to stay, supporting the requalification of this central part of the city, especially for night-time and weekend use.
According to the notice, the concessionaire will be responsible for offering a daily schedule of activities to residents, as well as carrying out maintenance, care and surveillance of the area, and access to the Anhangabaú Valley must remain free and open. According to the document, the concession is part of a larger project that combines the history of this region of the city with its potential.
The concession period is 10 years, and the main investments planned are the installation of cameras, security posts, public restrooms and trash cans, in addition to the supply of electricity, water, sewage and telephone services, and the provision of free Wi-Fi. In addition, the private partner will be able to operate commercial spaces located on the site and host private events, upon payment of an annual variable fee to the City Hall – currently estimated at R$1.2 million. With this fee, in addition to maintenance and renovation costs, it is estimated that the city will receive R$39 million in total from the project.
The minimum bid for the bidding, which has as its criterion the highest bid granted to the City Hall, is R$ 370 thousand, and is scheduled for August 26 (11 am) and will have transmission of envelopes over the internet.
The Public Law & Compliance team at Mazzucco & Mello Advogados has extensive experience in public-private contracts and administrative processes and is available to provide any clarifications.