Put Mariana Martins – 15/07/2020
Through IN No. 1965/2020, published today in the DOU, the Federal Revenue Service (RFB) extended the deadline for last business day of September 2020 the deadline for submitting the Fiscal Accounting Records (ECF) for the calendar year 2019, which should originally be submitted by the last business day of that month (July 2020).
The extension in question also applies to cases of termination, partial spin-off, total spin-off, merger or incorporation of legal entities that occurred between January and April 2020.
The measure is in line with others announced by the RFB in recent months, having been adopted on an exceptional basis due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our tax team is available to assist you and your company in transmitting this obligation, as well as to clarify any doubts related to the matter.