
RFB extends suspension of procedural deadlines and administrative collection procedures until June 30th

June 4, 2020

Put Marcelo Blecher – 04/06/2020

By means of Ordinance 936/2020, published in the DOU on May 29, 2020, the RFB changed the original wording of Ordinance 543/2020 to determine the suspension, until June 30, 2020 (Tuesday), of (i) in-person services at RFB service units, by mandatory prior appointment; (ii) deadlines for performing procedural acts; and (iii) administrative procedures for the automated electronic issuance of collection notices and summons for payment of taxes; notification of launch of the individual's tax net; procedure for excluding a taxpayer from installment payments due to default on installments; registration of pending regularization in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) due to failure to file a declaration; and registration of unsuitability in the National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ) due to failure to file a declaration.

It is important to highlight that Ordinance 936/2020, by determining the revocation of section VI of art. 7 of Ordinance 543/2020, enables the RFB to electronically issue decision-making orders with analysis of merit in PERDCOMPs – which were suspended until the end of May -, even though the appeal deadlines remain suspended until 06/30/2020.

Our tax team is aware of the measures that have been announced by the Federal, State and Municipal Governments and remains available to clarify any questions regarding the matter.

If you have any questions about the topics covered in this publication, please contact any of the lawyers listed below or your usual Mazzucco&Mello contact.

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